Sunday, August 4, 2013

Birthday parties!

Last Saturday we had the kids joint 7th and 4th birthday party. We held it at the splash park near our house. Most of their friends have siblings of each age so it made sense to do one party in the middle instead of two separate ones within a few weeks of each other. (Also this mama hates organising parties lol)  I didn't get many photos as they were too busy running around- actually I didn't get any, dad took them all on his camera!  Thanks daddyo :-)

 Eli excited and ready to go. (Immy wouldn't pose for a photo for some reason!)

Here she is at the park instead. She started off in her wonder woman costume and changed into bathing suit and at this point was wearing half and half lol!

So the photos have loaded backwards... never mind! Here goes....

Opening Presents

This is my batman piƱata that I made. Both of them are batman crazed at the moment and this was requested by them both!

 Here they are smashing it up (thanks to Tim for volunteering to have his hands/arms bruised when the string broke and I couldn't hang it! - Fortunately they were just plastic bats!)

Yay, it lasted enough for everyone to have a turn!

My amazingly talented friend Janet made not one, but two absolutely fantastic cakes! Here is Immy's Lego Poison Ivy (from batman) cake.

And Eli's Lego Batman cake

From the moment it was set on the table Imogen didn't move away! She guarded it until it was cake time!