Friday, July 19, 2013

This and that...

Last weekend we went to see Despicable Me 2 with our friends. Eli is the only child in the world who has to be dragged to see a movie. He acts like its torture, not fun. Despite this he spent most of the movie laughing his head off and Imogen has been imitating the minions all week so it was definitely a hit!

It has been hot hot hot the last week. We have mostly stayed indoors! This was a trip to mastermind toys where I couldn't get them away from the kiddie water table!

Sitting outside eating freezies with odd shoes on!!
Our neighbor has a really fun sprinkler ball- like a beach ball with water shooting out of it. You can throw it around and everyone gets soaked! Lots of fun! After a while they grabbed their umbrellas to play with and then later just started filling up buckets and dumping it over each others heads. I may have joined in for a water fight later on... It was waaaaay too hot!
Got this cute short all in one thing ages ago but she refuses to wear it. I bribed her with it yesterday lol!
Having a sleep over in immys room!! 
And that's our week so far! Loving summer holidays :-)