Saturday, July 6, 2013

7 Years!

Seven years ago today I was laying in bed in hospital (ironically with a rash on my face from an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic, exactly like the rash that I have all over my face today!) cradling my beautiful new baby boy. How did 7 years pass so fast! Today we have spent the day at home - Eli's choice - as he wanted to build all his new lego! He had soccer first thing this morning but has literally spent the entire rest of the day putting together all his batman lego.
David and Immy snuck out and went to get a cake - Dairy Queen chocolate extreme blizzard cake - Eli's favourite blizzard flavour (he may just have picked that up from his mama lol...a boy after my own [chocolate] heart!)

Last night he asked if I would take his last picture as a six year old! Apparently this sign means last day being six?!!

And here he is this morning opening presents. 

Opened presents, made some lego, got ready for soccer and went outside to try out his scooter from the Lammies, went to soccer then came home and spent all day making Lego until dinner and cake time!

Happy Birthday Beautiful Boy, 

Love you to the moon and back. 
