Sunday, August 4, 2013

Niagara Falls (the fourth time!)

Luckily I will never get tired of going to see the falls (although the drive there may not be my favourite!) as I imagine it is something we will do often when visitors come! This time we had Anne come to stay for a few days on her way to Newfoundland. It was lovely to see her and spend a few days together and I'm pleased that we could help her cross off something from her bucket list!

Sitting at the top of the Falls.

Such an amazing view! Love it.

Anne did a walk behind the Falls. We decided to have a break instead and sit in the shade on the grass for an hour. We found a tree (below) that had a natural hideout under the leaves that they played in, some other trees that they climbed, and Immy made friends with a squirrel!

After the Falls we headed up the river to the rapids where the Aero Car is. You seriously couldn't pay me money to ever ride that thing. I was terrified just looking at it.

After that we headed to Niagara on the Lake to show Anne the town and have a picnic dinner in the park. The kids had so much fun in the little water fountain there. They made friends and played for ages. Was a nice little break before the car ride home.