Monday, August 5, 2013

More recent photos

Daddy and Mummy by Immy

Painting a jewellery box for nana

Amazing WonderWoman costume made by my very talented mama!

Thank you nana!

Another amazing costume made by nana...Green Lantern. They were both sooooo excited :-)

A walk at Fairy Lake

Immy 'fixing' Papa's leg!

My lazy children at the mall!

Eli and Nana on the ferry to Center Island

Me and my lovely daddy

Toronto skyline from the ferry

A very cold, tired and grumpy Immy and Papa.

At the beach on Center Island

A very rare time that I didn't bring a change of clothes with me! It was hot and not many people were there so I let them run in the splash pad in their underwear!

On the way back to Toronto

The crazies doing exercises!!

ELi playing with Maia's stroller :-) He was the dad!!

A walk/scooter ride in Barrie with Mum and Dad

Interesting sculpture in Barrie!!

Lake Simcoe, Barrie.

Bike ride on a trail in East Gwillimbury
 Immy got this dress for her birthday. She hasn't taken it off since! 

Lunch and a movie on our bed one day! (don't usually make Eli use a sippy cup lol but didn't want water spilled on my bed!!)

Immy was so tired!

Our neighbour Maia loved Immy's dress so much that she talked her mom into getting her one too so they could be twins!

This was at about 8am one morning when we went for a walk via the park!

My beauty sleeping one morning!