Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Weekend at the cottage!

In no particular order because like always I am too lazy to back thru and make them make sense!

My lovely daddy getting ready to set sail...

And he's off!

We spent most of our time in the water... 

Fishing (yes that's a butterfly net!) off the dock

Marshmallow time!

Mum's idea of a smore - chocolate- marshmallow - chocolate. Wonder where I get my choc cravings from lol!!

Hammock was a little on the low side!

Daddy, ELi and Immy out for a paddle

Imogen's 4th birthday presents

Belle dress!

Roller skates and new t-shirt

Dad, David and Eli went for a canoe ride across the lake...

Although the water looks quite calm there were a few jet ski's, boats pulling tubes at crazy speeds and it was also quite windy. Before they knew what had happened a large wave had capsized them in the middle of the lake.  No, mum and I did not sit on the dock laughing and taking photos...(once I knew my little boy was safe of course!)

A bunch of kind people (same ones that were making all the waves?!) came to their rescue and gave them a ride back to our dock. Eli did great, he was so calm and I am so thankful that he is a great swimmer (and was wearing his life jacket) as it wasn't nearly as traumatic for him as it could have been. 

Playing in the lake later on. 

The 'Oldies' taking it all in!

Dad 'thinking' about getting in to the lake for about a half hour before he actually took the plunge! He went back an forth on the dock attempting to jump until he finally carefully stepped down the ladder!!

My munchkin having fun! The lake had a massive drop off only half a meter from the shore - it was so deep (I couldn't see/touch the bottom) that I made them both wear lifejackets all the time. 

Daddy and Eli

Birthday girl photos!

Papa and Eli playing horseshoes

Spot us below?!!

All in all a fantastic relaxing weekend! Wish we could do it more often but with all of our family!!