Friday, August 30, 2013

Last few weeks of August

Eli's last soccer tournament.

He was so excited to wear his England goalie shirt! This is before the game during practice.

Immy was clearly thrilled by it all ;-)

Coming off after being in goal for first half :-)

Second half...

End of game with coach daddy!

Showing off his trophy!

 Immy and Maia (our neighbour) at Eli's last game of the season. 

Immy asked me to take a photo of her 'posing' then jumped up on the table and lay down. I'm so in trouble when she's older!

 Showing her new gymnastics leotard!

Eli in his usual spot surrounded by lego!

 I asked Immy to smile and this is the series of poses I got...

 We were in value village last week and the kids found this puppet theatre! We 'had' to have it! It's had lots of use already!

 We live about 40 minutes out of Toronto and there is a train from here that runs into the city that Eli calls the communiter train (commuter!) it's a double decker train and they have asked to go on it since we moved here however it usually only runs at 'commuter hours' so it's never been an option. However during summer they run some weekend trains so we surprised the kids with a trip into the city last weekend on the train. They were sooo excited!

This is in the car on the way to the station

Waiting for the train. Immy found some wild flowers to pick of course!

Here comes the train!

When we got there we went to the waterfront and had some lunch, rented some paddle boats and went for a walk before heading back to the train again!

My two goofs waiting for the train home!