Wednesday, April 11, 2012


First an important message from Eli. He is the Mayor of this city don't ya' know. (According to this weeks new favourite game the Mayor just sits at his desk and writes signs. Maybe he does - I have no idea what the mayor really does now that I think about it)

We got the kids scooters on Monday. Best idea ever. I am so tired of Eli trying to ride his bike with no training wheels which means I have to run along and hold him and Imogen wanting me to push her on her trike. I wanted them to have something that they can do on their own without me having to do all the work! They have played on them non stop. 

And some more sunny spring trampoline shots. I have so many photos of Eli like this as he is always yelling "take a photo of me when I'm high up mum"

 And my little gymnast perfecting her forward roll!