Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Random Photos from my iPhone this week

Eli made this last week and wanted me to take a picture of it to send to his lego magazine!

On a walk (in the rain) with some friends. Imogen wouldn't turn around she kept saying "I doin' a dance"

Playing at the park at the end of our very long walk in the rain!

The walk was 5km and she walked more than half of it and she would have walked it all but I wouldn't let her!

I was trying to clean the house the other day and the kids were doing the usual "i'm bored" etc so I gave them some sensory dough to play with (flour mixed with baby oil and lavender) it smelled so good and felt really, really relaxing and good... But WHAT A DAFT IDEA...why in a million years did I think I would be able to clean up faster while they were doing this. I didn't get any shots of the end but let me tell you it covered the ENTIRE kitchen floor!

At the park with baby Maisey - her first time on the swings.

Another "smile kids"

My beautiful boy at the airport (in pyjamas) waiting for daddy to come home. (He had binoculars with him to watch for him coming!) He misses his daddy so much while he is away. Today he spent a good half hour crying about how much he hates it when daddy goes away as he always has to wait 5 days until he can hug him again :-(

 What I love about my kids is the bizarre things they do like playing singstar but they both have to be wearing glasses! This was them singing "barbie world" - their favourite song to sing at the mo'. I have videos that I will post this week. It's adorable!

A very large glass of delicious wine from our favourite farm!

There is a new kids used bookstore opened a few months ago that I finally got to go to (by myself!) this weekend. My goal is to eventually hunt out all the classics for the kids. I got these for $2 each. They are both really well used but in fairly good condition. I love, love, love used books. Charlottes web is an original edition print (1952) and Charlie and the Choclate factory is second edition. I know no-one cares except me but for some reason I much prefer original print books. There is something a bit magical about it :-)