Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

This year was the first that we have been home for Easter since we had Imogen (and I think we have only been home once when Eli was 18ish months) and so we haven't ever done an egg hunt here before! We errr I mean the easter bunny filled plastic eggs with lego and then we had a few plain chocolate eggs. The kids had so much fun and Eli was amazed that the Easter bunny had the greatest idea of filling the eggs with lego! (He really believes in the Easter bunny for some reason even though I have never ever encouraged it or made reference to it in any way - he has totally picked it up from 'the Canadians' lol. He even asked me last night if it was real and I said "what do you think" he said "no" and I agreed, yet today it was like he had completely forgotten the conversation!) Anyway a fun day in all. Just a shame Daddy had to leave in the middle of the day :-(
Eli decided he needed a costume to hunt in...not entirely sure what exactly he is dressed as but hey it worked for him!

Ready to start!


Eli was so sweet and didn't take all the eggs but called Imogen over every time he found some so they could share the find!

She was telling me how it matched the other green one in her basket!

Put his hand right in his face as I took the photo!

Unwrapping her chocolate. She ate loads when she thought we weren't looking!

Showing me her chocolate haha!

Far more excited by his lego stash than the chocolate!

Also showing me his chocolate! What can I say my kids are gross!

"No-ones' watching - I'll just eat it all!"