Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Sunday afternoon

David had to leave mid day for his flight which was so hard since he's been home for a week this time and we've got used to it...we all felt very sad. We took him to the airport and then came home and played outside in the sun and then got the ground ready where the old shed was to plant grass seeds and then sprinkled them. Eli has pestered me to do it for ages as he loves the idea of watering them every day. Oh fun! Eli is really into playing soccer at the moment so we played for a while (the score was 50-0 surprisingly to him) and Imogen mostly played with her babies. She has always loved them but this week she has really become attached and taken them everywhere in their stroller and has me keep them wrapped in a  blanket all the time! She randomly comes up to me and says "you want to pet my babies mum?" Gorgeous!

Baby going down the slide

He was racing me to the ball and somehow I managed to capture this beautiful smile while running for the ball (ok not at any great speed) and taking a picture!

This was "you play football with my baby mummy"

Most gorgeous ever. She was super tired (as she is every afternoon as she won't nap but really needs to) and she lay down for about 10 mins at the top of the slide!