Sunday, August 10, 2014

This past week - back in Calgary :-)

At Ikea. They asked for their pictures taken lol!

Putting together the human body! Bday present from the Lammies that Immy was over the moon about as she is obsessed with skeletons and bodies!

 Enjoying sitting outside again! (We didn't in Newmarket as we had no privacy/fences at all)

The kids and I spent my birthday at the lake. Look there are my toes. I was the one doing all the peddling...never taking a peddle boat out again with these two! I was exhausted!

I think Eli must have broken the record for the most times on the slide in one day

Immys first time on the slide! (and I think the lady in the pic was wearing a bathing suit??!! Hope so lol)

Birthday flowers from Immy x

I turned 8. Forget about the 3 ;-)

Immy kindly made me some blueberry juice mmmm lol

David singing his heart out in a beer bottle hehehe
 More beach!

A walk near the Bow River last weekend

And tonight...more lake! (first time that David came!)