Sunday, August 10, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Imogen!

Happy birthday to my beautiful girl!

I can't believe that you are 5 already! Wasn't it just yesterday that you were my tiny 7 lb 13 baby

and now... now you are so grown up (and almost 40 lbs heavier!) But still as beautiful as the first day I met you!

I love that this year you have matured and you seem so much older, but at the same time you are still young enough that you feel like my baby! However, I see you getting older and needing less help every day which is just what I want for you, but at the same time bittersweet as I know that it won't be long before you don't need your mama for much! 

This last year you have really become so confident and sure of yourself, you are not afraid of much at all (well until we decided to move to Calgary and you have become temporarily afraid of running water, flying and a few other random things!!) you have ridden all the biggest rides at Disney and screamed for joy on them. You have taken on new things such as ballet, gymnastics and confidently walked into your class and made new friends.  And oh how you love your friends! This year you have  really understood friendship and enjoyed your friends!

You love cuddles, especially with your mama! And I love them just as much! My most favourite time of the day is in the morning when you get in bed with me (ok, more like you came in in the middle of the night sometime) and we snuggle and chat until it's time for us to get up. 

What else do you love?? In no particular order - Animals...oh so much! I can really see you working with animals one day. Hello Kitty, Lalaloopsy, Frozen, Lego, playing with dolls, animals, anything really as long as there are two of them and they can 'talk' to each other! 

Immy, Daddy and I love you so much. We are so proud of the little girl that you are and the big girl that you are becoming. 

Happy Birthday,

Love from Mama xxx

First birthday

First birthday

2nd birthday

3rd birthday

4th birthday

and tonight before bed (and after the beach, hence the wet hair and bathing suit)
 Last sleep as a 4 year old!

Still got beautiful little fingers!