Monday, August 25, 2014


So Calgary has freak hail storms a lot. This was a couple weeks ago....

 For Immy's birthday she chose to go to the zoo

 The line on the tree is the water mark for where the flood water was up to last year (when they had to close the zoo and re-locate a bunch of animals!)

Grizzly bear! The thing that scares me is that they are as much out of the zoo and not too far away from us as they are in the zoo lol! 

Pink flamingos - her favourite!

Here you go Janet Whitson... Bet you can't make a cake quite like this! Oreo cake from safeway and stick a couple my little ponies and Hello Kitty's (coz she can't decide) on top and you're good to go!

Eli did a week long tennis camp (and LOVED it)

Immy will be attending Kindergarten at a school called 'Phoenix Foundation' we went to a stay and play last week which she loved! Here she is painting with her feet. 

Popcorn at the mall and playing on the trampoline while Eli is at camp.