Thursday, August 7, 2014

Few weeks between England and moving!

My lovely hubby wearing his new glasses!

David decided to celebrate England in the world cup (didn't last long lol)

"I'm sorry I drew all over myself, mummy"

Getting as many play dates in with their besties as we could!

Eli and Julian playing mine craft (believe it or not they are the same age!) 

We had Eli's birthday party early...laser tag

We went to Centre Island

tired Immy on the way home!

Awwwwwhhhhh best friends 

Last play date with as many of our friends as could make it!

Group shot!

Last bike ride at our park

Our fabulous friends threw us a surprise goodbye party

Immy and Maia

Last goodbye to the Whitsons'... boohoo still makes me cry looking at these pics now :-(

Trying to take a last picture lol! I have about 25 like this!

After a very emotional goodbye they both fell asleep in the car on the way to the hotel.