Friday, August 8, 2014

Moving to Calgary...

Waiting in the airport while Daddy checks in. Eli was still bursting into tears every few minutes at this point :-(

On the plane! Crew was really sweet because they knew that Immy was feeling nervous (she developed lots of random fears around the time of moving most of which have slowly disappeared except the random fear of running water) so they let them go into the cockpit.

Waiting for the cases in Calgary!

Cab dropped us off to pick up our car from the shipping company!

Arrived at U of C campus for our week stay 

Visited a water park

Eli spent most of his time at the desk in his room sky ping his friends and playing mine craft with them!

My little beauty girl!

Bought Immy a cowgirl hat - we arrived at stampede time and everyone was wearing them!

Eli was happy when he found trees to climb!

Yay, we found a park near the Universtiy

Back to the water park for Canada day

I love this so much, Immy was missing her dolls so she drew pictures of them and then asked me to cut them out so that she could play with them! Who needs toys?!

Eli with his usual face after eating!

Talking to the ducks (which are hiding in the pic!) at U of C

Most creative way to watch TV in the Universtiy room

Moving day (to our new house!) no car  while David was at work so we took the train from the University and then walked 10 mins (more like 30 with these 2) to our house :-) We were soooo happy to get out of the stinking hot Uni rooms!

We had 4 days before our furniture arrived so lots of space to run (dance) around!

Immy in our bedroom!

Imogen's room

Eli's room

 Excited that we have a fence in our backyard! (before the landlords had cleared the junk out of it)

The dining room lol!

Eli's birthday!

For Eli's birthday we went to the stampede :-) here he is riding the train downtown

Birthday cowboy!

Boxes arrived, first thing they did was dress up! (think Eli's days are up with the spiderman costume! He's had it since he was 2 when I used to have to turn the red part at the bottom of the leg up so much that you couldn't see the red!)

Building his birthday present - the Millennium Falcon, half way done!

Keeping kids amused while unpacking!

Putting up the trampoline.... 2 years after we took it down!

Immy clearly working hard to help!

 Love her little drawings!

Almost done!

New Gazebo on the deck (hello Jedi Eli)

We are lucky to live in a lake community - Calgary, being far from water has a bunch of man made lakes that then have a neighbourhood built around them. You can only access them if you live in the community of whichever lake it is. This was out first day at 'our' lake.