Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sports day/track meet (depending which country you live in!)

Yesterday was Eli's first ever track meet. He was so excited and had been counting down for weeks! He had a great day and really enjoyed it.

Here is Immy running a race with herself that she was sure to win!

Cheering on the 7/8 year olds in his team

Running the 200m race

boys against girls - he was most upset that the girls won!

Lunch break!

The Yellow team 

Mid jump - long jump. He was so excited to come in second place! 

Tired back at home after a long day - showing off all his ribbons!

And here is my poor sunburnt baby. I feel like such a bad mum. I put sunscreen on Eli and I before we left home and then was running late so thought I would do her when we got there but it wasn't really sunny so I just didn't end up putting it on her but I guess at a few points during the day the sun came out and it was enough to fry my poor little fair skinned munchkin. Will never forget the sunscreen again!!