Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day 2012

I decided to do something a bit different this year to put in Davids card from the kids so I got them to answer random questions that I asked them about their daddy. I asked Immy first so that she wouldn't just copy what Eli said. They were both so cute. Here are their answers.

What is Daddys name? 
Eli - "Daddy Hughes"
Immy - "I have to read my book"

How old is daddy?
Eli - "38 or 39"
Immy - "4"

What is Daddys job?
Eli - "He goes to work in Toronto. He does work. He does important work to get money for us"
Immy - "Going to the airport"

What is the best thing that Daddy does?
Eli - "He takes us to parks"
Immy"Go swimming"

How do you know that Daddy loves you?
Eli - "He gives lots of hugs and kisses"
Immy - "He gives 4 kisses"

How does he show you that he loves you?
Eli - "He shows me new things and he tells me he always will love me forever and always"
Immy - "He gives me 2 kisses"

What part of daddy is best?
Eli - "I love his belly" 
Immy - "3 kisses"

David had sent some pictures a while ago of his new office in Toronto and I noticed that it was decorated with Tranmere stuff. No pictures of his kids! I decided to fix that for fathers day so I took the kids to Sears for some photos. They don't do fantastic work but it captures a moment in time better than I could myself.  Surprisingly Imogen hated having her photo taken and did the few that you see below and then said "I all done now" and sure enough all the bribes in the world couldn't convince her to take anymore. Eli on the other hand was well and truly into it and was pulling all the props off the shelf. We had pictures with firefighter gear, baseball, construction gear. He was posing left, right and centre. He asked the photographer a bunch of times to "just do one more of this pose". It got a bit embarrassing in the end after we had about 80 pictures of Eli in various different poses! Anyway we got these four done  for Daddy's office! (scanned onto computer so not great quality)

Happy Fathers day David, we all love you so much and appreciate you so much, especially how hard you are working right now - as Eli says "to get the money for us" lol!! Love you! 

I would also like to wish my wonderful daddy a Happy Fathers day. So very thankful that I was blessed to have you as my daddy. I love you so much x

And lastly an [almost 5 years] old photo of the two daddies in my life. 
You are both incredible dads and I love you both more than words can describe.