Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy 1st day of summer!

Eli is obsessed with the calendar. What date it is, what day it is and reading the (prewritten) events on various days. He has been counting down to June 21st and the first day of summer for a long time. He asked if we could go to the beach to celebrate! We are going out this afternoon which meant the only way we could do it was to go first thing when we woke up! Despite being the only people at the beach it was a perfect time to go as it was hot enough to play and go swimming but not burn in 5 minutes hot. Anyway they had lots of fun and later when a few other people showed up Immy walked over to a little boy and said"hi, it's me Immy. What's your name?" So adorable as it's the first time she has specifically asked a stranger to play and a massive improvement on shouting loudly at anyone who dares to come near her and try to play with her.