Friday, January 29, 2016

What have we been up to in January ??

We sorta had snow...for a few hours lol hahaha I love living in a place where snow melts in half a day :-) 

An afternoon stroll with the hubs while the kids were at stagecoach.

Eli is super excited to be learning to play hockey this year!

We have a Korean student staying with us for a month. She is only 10 and super sweet.
We took her for a two hour hike up to a rained sooooooo much, we were totally drowned lol. Not sure what she made of it all but she was smiling!

We also took her to the aquarium

Our little dolphin friend Chester taken by Immy

Eli has been doing a history class where they have learned all about the Aboriginal groups of early Canada. Him and the 2 other boys in his group were assigned the 'Plateau' people group and made this diorama (over 2 months) of a typical dwelling. The greener side is how they lived in summer and the white side is how they lived in winter. It's a little hard to see but he will be presenting to the class next week so we will do a video of it. They have worked soon hard on it.

His little guy on a canoe that he made (the guy is actually a 3d print of Eli dressed in native costume)