Friday, January 22, 2016

It's almost Christmas 2

I know, I know, you are blown away by the originality of my post titles! Little pet peeve I have - I HATE thinking of titles for things - especially subject lines on emails!

Anyways that aside ;-) here is a glimpse of what we did the few days leading up to Christmas.

We dressed up and went to see 'The Force Awakens'. I was so surprised that Immy sat through the whole 2 and a half hour movie and loved every second of it!

We decorated our Christmas tree!

We did ALOT of skating before Christmas. This was at the Pitt Meadows winter wonderland skate. So much fun!

We braved the rain and went to the Stanley Park Bright nights.

We got new Christmas Pj's and went for a pyjama party at the Lammies house :-)

We had a little Christmas carol sing a long!

and finished off the evening with Eli reading 'The Night Before Christmas'