Friday, March 4, 2016


February has flown by! Probably because Ive spent half the month chasing a puppy around lol!

Meet Walt!

This is the first time we went to see him (with Jiwoo - our Korean student)

And this is on the way to pick him up!

What else have we been doing? 
Eli learned how to curl...

He finished his social studies diorama in his social studies class. So much fun and they learned so much! One side is representing summer and one is winter. We now have this giant thing in our house....

Eli was student of the month for Violin - he was very excited!  Not sure what the criteria is - I suspect maybe it's alphabetical lol judging by Ella and Eli!

We took Jiwoo downtown for the day

Jiwoo kept doing the typical asian finger thing when we took a picture of her and Immy totally thought she had it down too...

Daddy had a birthday! 

Immy wouldn't get in the covers because she didn't want to disturb the stuffies!

One day we went downtown to the Orpheum with their school for another Symphony for kids. 

Such a gorgeous theatre.

Poor little puppy got a cherry eye :-(

Immy drew a picture of Mummy and Daddy getting married!

Immy got a hair cut!

We have been doing lots of skating this winter, and Eli started a 'learn to play hockey' program which he is loving :-)

We've spent a lot of time outside with the puppy, although Immy spends most of her time on the trampoline as she isn't a fan of getting her ankles chewed on!

We found a new park in PoCo.

Eli drew a tipi

and Immy drew a cat!