Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Spring Break!

The kids performed at the Orpheum Theatre in vancouver with their stagecoach school. They did an awesome job! I will add a few videos of them later.

This was the grand finale with all 450 kids on stage from across the lower mainland!

Immy loves her babies at the moment! Both of them sleeping!

We managed to spend almost the entire first week of spring break outside! So much fun :-)

This is after they found the geocache (gps treasure hunt)they were so excited!

We went to 'Wildplay' one day. Immy did the kids tree course and Eli did the adult/older kids one ahhhhhhh it was so high up and super hard. Sprout of him for completing it. He got scared at one point but he pushed through it. I know for sure I couldn't have done it!

White rock beach

Rare sibling pic!

We looked after Charlie for a few days! 

Last night Helen, Mum, Leah and I did a wine and paint night! It was so much fun. There was an instructor who talked us through how to do the painting. Not something I would ever display lol but such a fun night!

Don't worry mum really was happy to be there, honest!

 And the lovely papa with Walt!