Sunday, April 27, 2014

Geocaching and sun!

Earlier in the week I was looking through photos for something and we came across videos of Immy when she was born! She LOVED watching them! She wanted to watch them over and over again!

We became a geocaching family last weekend! ( to see what it's all about) This is Eli with our first find!

And below - our second find! So much fun and well worth the $10 app. 

I think he has a mouth full of chocolate in this!

Below - a photo shoot with Imogen! This girl LOVES to pose!

Water fights out in the sun! It was 23 last Sunday and a week before that was snowing lol!

Riding her bike at the school

and playing hopscotch 

Testing Eli on his Canadian geography. 
He was able to correctly identify every Province and Territory :-)

Standing on our Island!

Out hunting for Geocache number 3

A sight that I love! Star wars has been 100% responsible for really making Eli love reading. Gone are the days where I had to tell him to go and read.  Until now he wouldn't venture past any of the 'reader' style books but on Thursday I convinced him to pick up some shorter (100 pages) novels and I am so happy that he came home and devoured them both in no time at all! Now he's hooked and keeps asking to go back to the library for more! Yay.

And lastly a Daddy and Immy dance party! I would like to show the video but I have a feeling a certain Mr Hughes will kill me ;-)