Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Niagara Falls, Sun, Park, Bike riding and more!

Playing outside in the SUN! Immy had the plane, Eli made the airport!

David had an interview in Niagara so we went with him for the day. 

 Waiting for lunch

My almost 8 year old who still eats like a 2 year old and slops food all over his face ;-)

Tallest man statue 

I never get tired of looking at the falls. I could stand and stare for hours, it's mesmerizing. I love this view best though. The water at the top is so clear but so very powerful heading to the edge. It really fascinates me!

A hundred times a day I am asked "mum can you take a picture of me please"

Another sunny but windy day!

Not sure what this pose was all about! 

Another "can you take a picture of me with a zebra on my head'!!

We spent a beautiful day in the meadow with our friends. It was warm and sunny and so relaxing!

Picking flowers is serious business!

We took Eli's old bike to the park for Immy to try (so far she has only ridden the run bike and this is a 'proper' bike with no training wheels) and she could ride it! This was after her first time riding! She was so proud of herself but she said she prefers her pink bike.... of course she does!