Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Nothing terribly exciting just a few pics of our days in the last week or two...here is Eli doing math. And yes, we mostly do school in Pj's!

Immy making random things at the same time!

He got an electrical circuit kit for Christmas and it's one of his favourite things to 'play' with.

Artwork from this weeks coop. Goldfish bowls inspired by Matisse. Eli's is the top left. 

You wanted to see her breakfast hanging off her tongue right?!

Another tongue pose. I think she's been watching Miley Cyrus in secret. 

We learned about Canada's coat of arms this week and then Eli made his own crest for our family. The tree symbolizes nature "because we love nature", the orange and red hearts are the four of us joined together by love, the red blob is Canada "because that's where we live", the bottom brown blob is a beaver - to represent Canada's official animal/emblem (whatever it is) And 'Month to Month' is our motto??!! No idea what that one means!

Very excited that spring has arrived and the snow had gone for good (or so we thought at that point!)

Somehow Eli always ends up with the dirtiest of dirty faces.

So he took this selfie because he styled his hair the way he wants it, and if he takes a picture then he can always remember how to do it again! Oh dear!

 Morning cuddles! My favourite :-)

Playing outside on the weekend. Last few weeks at her friends house they have been sneaking into the bathroom making 'potions' with anything they could get their hands on so I thought I would put her kitchen outside and let her make potions to her hearts content. Soap, water and mud make great potions :-)

Neighbourhood kids converge in our yard to play basketball. 

My tired girl watching a movie!

What we woke up to today!

Again with the tongue lol!

Truly their mamas kids...hanging out in the library!