Friday, April 18, 2014

Baking and Park Fun

This week I've been on a bread kick trying out different recipes. So we decided to try making pretzels. Immy loves the soft ones that we get at we were going for that! 

Some of the interesting shapes made by the littlest bakers lol. 

Eli inhaling a pretzel!

Me with my beautiful boy (and no make up hence the very tired eyes in this one and below!) 

Eli making his latest game "Star Wars Galaxy Fight"

Out for a walk with our friends... the girls trying to look mean!

 Immy siting in her 'fairy house'

The boys built a rebel base (star wars) and then took a nap lol

Beautiful girls having a 'biggest smile' contest!

'Obi Wan, Eeth Koth and Mace Windu'

Goofy boys

Good Friday rainy walk!

...and swing in the park

and lastly my gorgeous hubby x