Saturday, February 1, 2014


My beautiful boy 

At the beginning of January when we thought there was a lot of snow...

 A bit more....

And more still..

 Eli getting ready for his Aladdin performance.

The Sultan!

A very cool looking Sultan 

Nate and Caleb came to watch

With Callum, the genie and Caleb, Nate

There was a week where they built non stop with the straws. We had a whole city full of structures in our living room.

 Eli is still making board games every week!!

Eli and Maia did a cupcake class last Friday at the superstore.

The finished creations!

Immy helping me make pancakes one morning. Naked baking!

It's been WAY TOO COLD outside. So cold that just running to the car is longer than you want to be in the cold! So we have to amuse ourselves inside. 

Posing in her gym class!

Playing with her mermaids in the deep blue sea! (lots of fun but after she was done she got a really bad rash all over her hands from what I can only assume was the food colouring)

Playing doctors with Caitlin

Goofy girls ready for bed in their PJ's 

Eli has been writing a book of plays (inspired by Aladdin). He has been working so hard on it. I will get him to do a video of it when it's all finished!

We have been learning about Ancient Egpyt and most recently the pyramids, mummies etc. We got together with our friends who are doing the same curriculum to build a lego pyramid, complete with chambers, lego Pharaoh mummy in the sarcophagus etc. 

Immy wants to be able to read RIGHT NOW! We are working on phonics mostly but also some common sight words. Here we were playing a game where I call out a word and she has to walk her princess to the right word. She loved it and wanted to play it over and over! (She got the gloves as a present this week and hasn't taken them off - thanks Shaw family!)

And lastly my beautiful princess! Thank you to Vicki for the beautiful dress that she has worn almost every day since she got it!