Saturday, February 1, 2014


So I am totally behind on blogging. I wasn't going to bother posting December photos and just skip ahead to now but when I want it all there for when I print it! So here goes....a few photos of December, Disney, Christmas etc. 

Christmas outfits. Not sure if I already posted this.

Poor Immy was sick for a week or two in December. Here she is on the couch sleeping it off.

She is very clingy when she is sick and doesn't like me to be 2 steps away from her. This is her on the kitchen floor while I made dinner!!

We had a Christmas party with our friends and made cookies....actually the moms made most of the cookies not the kids lol
Eli and Nate with their finished gingerbread house.

Goofy kids!

Immy playing with her present from Caitlin.

Playing on the iPad.

The three musketeers

David and I got to see Rod Stewart in Toronto thanks to the lovely Wendifer.

Such a fun night.