Sunday, February 23, 2014

David is 40...and more ;-)

 We went to see the Lego Movie. Eli has gone from not enjoying watching any movies to LOVING Frozen and now the Lego Movie. Yay :-) 

 My Lovely hubby had a big birthday :-)

 Immy enjoyed the cake 

 Acting out Joseph lol

Exchanging valentines.

Eli did Archery last week. I have a video I will have to upload. He got a bullseye his very first try!

Skating in the Whitsons backyard rink :-)

They were playing 'Olympics' and this was Eli's turn figure skating lol!

We went for a walk at Fairy Lake. The park benches amused me as they were totally buried in snow!

We got to try snowshoeing at a family day event last week. It was soo cold that my toes were numb  but I can see that it would be lots of fun. I would like to try again when it's not so cold.

Immy was making words last week with wooden letters and when we were done she asked me to make her this sentence lol!

Trying to get get through the snow and up the hill back to the car after a play in the park with friends


 Being cool and doing math ;-)

This is how she wanted her hair done for bed the other night!

Playing out back with neighbours. Way too much snow.

I made my first Crochet project :-) Guess who picked the yarn colours!

Despite all the snow we have had the past few months it is not usually snowman building snow but now that its melted, frozen, snowed again etc the snow is wetter and we could make a snowman!

The mound behind the snowman is the North Mountain from Frozen apparently!

 Daddy and Immy both falling asleep today watching a movie!

Eli lost another tooth tonight!