Saturday, June 8, 2013

Photo post from the last few weeks

Immy and Caitlin blowing bubbles at Forest Garden

This just makes me laugh, she's wearing Caitlins dress which is too small for her!! She thought she looked beautiful though lol!!

Bike ride on a sunny afternoon

Just for a surprise Immy was being grumpy!

 Watching and waiting for her cookies to be ready!

A rare moment of love!

We built a huge 'bat cave' down in the basement with all the boxes from our move. It's dark inside so not a great photo but the two of them are in there all the time!

It's all about Batman right now (and superman, Robin, Wonderwoman or Catwoman - whoever Immy feels like being at the time!) 

Imogen's outfit of choice for a day at Forest Garden! Coz everyone needs a princess skirt when they're climbing trees and wading in ponds, right?!

On our way to Forest Garden with friends. Eli was so excited that it was the first time we had 'filled' every seat in our car!!

Immy and her friend Nicolas

Eli, Caleb and Nate

Immy decided to make ketchup art one day while I wasn't paying attention!

Fun at the spray park with friends last week 

At the mall...posing (she practiced this one for a while!)

Eli's painting machine?!

I let the kids go and choose their own plant pots and flowers and then we came home and they planted them. This is Eli's - he totally had it all figured out in his head when we were choosing the plants. He knew exactly where he would plant everything!

 And this is Immys. Totally the opposite of Eli she just wanted to cram as many in the pot as possible but they still look great!

At a new indoor play place with a friend. It was totally empty except for us and they had a great time. 

Ready for soccer

Action shots!

Eli on the ball (hes number 11)