Sunday, June 16, 2013

Last week

At Forest Garden the last two weeks they have been observing the tadpoles.

Last weekend David played his first soccer game with East gwillimbury! So excited that he is doing something fun instead of working all the time!

My big goof ball watching soccer

 And the littlest one! She found a pink ball and decided it was hers as it was pink and boys don't want to play with a pink soccer ball!

Now that the weather is nicer we have been going to the splash pad next to our house almost every night.

Immy and Caitlin at Forest garden...they look so cute...

Some of the boys making a chain!

The little ones copying!

Roasting marshmallows. Love the hand on the hip!

The boys made a tree collage

Eli and Caleb. Would you believe they are both 6!

On Friday we went to a farm with our homeschool group. I loved this guy!

Wagon Ride

They got to plant some seeds and bring them home

On the way home Immy had fun with my camera! I have about 4 times the amount shown here of pics of her. She was doing different faces...some of them (that are not in this pic) are hilarious!

It's very rare she looks this clean and tidy so I had to get a photo!

This is how she sleeps!! She loves her stuffies!