Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Amazing 6 Year Old!

To my gorgeous boy,

How are you six already? The years have flown by and we have loved every minute (well ok there have been a few 'minutes' that we haven't loved quite as much) of them!

This year you were a kindergartener! I still find it hard to believe that I am the mummy to a school aged child! What a great year it has been. It has been a joy and delight to see you learn. To witness you learning to read has been one of my favourite things this year - to see the delight in your face when you know that you can read a whole book on your own. When you come to a word that you aren't familiar with you quickly look at me and say "don't tell me, I can figure it out on my own" and you do! You are so proud of yourself! There is nothing about learning that you don't love right now and as much as you love reading I have to say that surprisingly (to me who always hated it) Math is your favourite subject.

This has been the year of board games for you! You love nothing more once Imogen is in bed to get out a board game for Daddy and I to play. Monopoly is probably the number one game closely followed by Money Bingo, Snakes and Ladders, and Connect 4. You are very good at all of them but just like your mummy used to be when I was a little girl you HATE to lose and will usually try and stage a game so that you can win! For example if you are winning but it's very close then you will usually say "I think we should finish now and get ready for bed - let's count up and see who has won!" However when it comes to Imogen you will very often purposely let her win things which makes up for all the tears and tantrums when you lose to Daddy and I!

You are a great big brother. You are mostly amazingly tolerant as Immy follows you around everywhere wanting to play. You love to play together and I am continually reminded of how blessed I am to have two children who love each other.

Right now your favourite sports are soccer and swimming and mini golf (if that's even a sport?!) Every day you put on your Tranmere Kit and want to go outside to kick the ball around (just like board games you also try and fix soccer games so that you score the most goals!) You don't mind me playing with you but you much prefer Daddy playing! You and him also love to play soccer on PS3 together. You are his best supporter and cheer him on no matter what! Swimming has been a love of yours for the past two years but this year you have really excelled. You have flown through the levels and are now in Level 6. You can swim better than me for sure!

Sometimes I forget that you are just so young really, probably because you are as tall as a 9 year old. You still need me to kiss every bump, cut and scrape and you still cry (loudly!) when you hurt yourself.  You are very affectionate with those that you love and you love to give hugs - 'Eli hugs' as you call them. After six years you finally sleep all night through but you don't need much sleep and are still up by 6:30am most mornings - you still love to come in and get in bed with us and sprawl out/kick us/walk up our backs snuggle in the morning.

You are very independent and definitely know your own mind. This year you have chosen to grow your hair long. You will not let us near it to cut and insist on growing it until it is as long as mine as you want to wear it in a pony tail like Immy and I do! You love music and have recently discovered and only want to listen to Adele and Robbie Williams  (you told me you wanted your birthday cake to have Robbie's picture on it - I'm writing this a few days before your birthday and haven't decided yet if we will do that!)

As much as I am sad that you are growing up I am also loving each and every minute and soo looking forward to seeing what this year brings for you!

I love you Eli,

Love from Mummy xxx