Saturday, July 21, 2012

Eli's sixth birthday - on July sixth.

We were at Helen and Buu's for the weekend of Eli's birthday. Uncle Buu was turning 30 so it was a double celebration on the Sunday. For his actual birthday on the Friday it was just Helen, mum and I and the kids. We spent the day at home playing outside in the glorious sun!

My sleeping boy - last night being 5

When he first came downstairs. His present from us was a new bike so he had already had it as I couldn't exactly hide it in the car when we came over as it was poking him in the head!

He was very sweet and let Immy and Zach open presents with him.

Nana (before the coffee lol)

Ben is thinking "what the heck is going on with these two, they normally don't do this before coffee"
Out for his first bike ride on his new bike!
He did ask for a Robbie Williams cake but I got away with this (delicious) chocolate layer cake, yum, yum, yum!

Enjoying his cake

I was worried that Immy would be upset that it wasn't her birthday but all she was worried about was if she got to eat the cake or not!

Eli playing in the paddling pool boat that we got around his 1st birthday (that Zach and Ben now have!)

beautifull little nephew!