Monday, July 23, 2012

A new haircut!

So as you all know Eli has been insisting on growing his hair for ages now. In fact I think the last time he had it cut was right before we went to Disneyland in Sept 2011 - so almost a year. His goal was to grow it long enough for a ponytail! It has been so hot lately and I've been trying for weeks to get him to have it cut as it is sooo incredibly thick that he must be sweltering under the layers upon layers of hair that he has. It is also hanging in his eyes and driving me (although not him!) insane. Anyway I was doing Davids hair with the clippers this morning and I asked David to see if he could convince Eli to have his done at the same time. All it took was David saying "hey I'm having my hair cut like a footballer - do you want to have yours done like one too?" I'm thinking he will just say "no thanks" like he has to me for the last few weeks but he says "Ok, I'll have it done like Owen someone or other who plays for Tranmere". Woo hoo the clippers were revving and raring to go within seconds. It took me almost an hour to get it all done as he seriously had SO MUCH HAIR. It sort of doesn't really look anything like the footballer that he wanted it to look like coz I can do clippers but not scissors so we'll have to wait 'till it grows a tiny bit again and I'll take him to Emma's to get it down properly but he didn't seem to notice and was super happy with his cut and I'm a super happy mummy that he looks neat and cool again! 

(Pictures before and after *please note that he never actually wore his hair in a ponytail except for this picture that I made him take! oh and I had to hold his head in place in the after pic as he will never stand still for a second ahhhh)