Sunday, November 20, 2011

A walk in the woods with Sir Eli the Knight

Last night we had a dusting of snow and it was almost gone by 10am much to Eli's disappointment. He is desperate for there to be enough snow to go sledding. Anyway David suggested a walk along the trail right by our house to try and appease him. It's such a lovely little walk through the woods and then down onto a boardwalk across the marsh. The path starts 2 houses down from us - it's so ridiculously close to our house but we have probably only walked it less than 10 times maybe in the 4 years that we have lived here yet whenever we do we say we should do this more often!  Oh, and Eli went as a knight! Be sure to read the comment under the third to last picture!

His scary face!

Imogen onl walked for about 10 minutes and then got in the stroller and went to sleep! Poor thing still feels rough.

The knight and the princess stop for a quick hug!

Chopping down the trees along the way!

Imogen off on her own!

What a beautiful boy! I'm finally getting some pictures of him looking at me and smiling instead of his usual look off into the distance.

My lil' munchkin almost asleep.

Eli asked if this was the bulrush that Moses was in and was he still there?!