Sunday, November 20, 2011

And some more photos!

Watching the snow fall earlier this week. Hoping it would be enough to sled in! It wasn't but that didn't stop them trying.

Doing a snow dance!

More dancing (Eli in his long johns!)

Imogen tonight. This is the first time ever she has not let me take her photo! She covered her eyes and then said to me "I'm really mad" 

Lil' monkey!

Before Eli went to bed he was busy making things and posting signs all around the house. Apparently we are having a race first thing in the morning when we wake up. He said "you will have to try hard to wake up fast mum because after you have had your breakfast and your tea is when the race is starting, if you take longer than that the race will be finished and you will lose". I'm ok with losing! Here are his signs. I love his writing and that he is sounding words out to write them.

Yes you can stop here

The big big race (they are s's but backwards)

no stop
Results of the race to come tomorrow ;-)