Saturday, November 19, 2011

Everyday stuff...

Here are some random photos from the last few weeks of the every day things that happen at our house!

My little munchkin doesn't eat anything at the moment. This is her breakfast (daily- no matter what I give her she does it) Dumped out and spread around the tray. Grrr! It will pass I know! I want to remember these phases when they are older!

Her favourite game at the moment - pushing straws through a hole! 

Our lounge after they finished playing obstacle courses!

Cold day in Parksville

Parksville Beach

Working for us right now - each day they get one toy out each to bring upstairs for the day. We change it every day. I have never seen them play for so long and so involved. Before this they didn't play with any of their toys very much.

Eli doing his online math lesson on the computer. I want to remember this incase it doesn't last! He begs to do math all the time. If he had a choice of anything at all to do  he chooses math. Not sure where he got that from it definitely isn't me!

It got super sunny one day so we went straight to the park after picking Eli up from school.

Another "check out this pose mum, can you take a photo please"

Playing singing/dancing games on the playstation with mum and dad. (In our VERY messy basement!)

Imogen eating the whipped cream!

My beautiful mama and my beautiful kids!

Eli puts his beavers uniform on every day lately as he's slightly obsessed with it!

Papa and Eli made a gingerbread train! It was very yummy!

Eli made this creation - he said it is the 'thingamajigger' from Cat in the Hat!

Imogen all bundled up on the couch. She has felt horrible this week.

ELi playing 'snug as a bug in a rug' with Immy. 

On the way home from skating. SHe was feeling awful I think and kept falling asleep all day long :-(

Video of Eli's second skating lesson.