Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sibling Love

A few cute things from today. Imogen came up to me out of the blue and said "I like Eli mummy" I said "I like Eli too" and she said "He big brother" awwwww.

At lunch sometimes Imogen gets waaay out of control crying if she doesn't get her food INSTANTLY when she sees me making it. Today I made grilled cheese so she had to wait for it to cool down and was flipping out big time, I mean screeeeeeeeeeaming the house down. Usually this sends Eli over the edge as he hates the noise and he runs screaming to his bedroom (don't you all wish you were here for lunch with us more often?!) anyway instead of flipping out today he went and gave her a hug and stroked her face with a [clean] paintbrush and was saying "Eli's here, calm down" she stopped crying and they had a little hug-fest until lunch had cooled down. A few hours later she saw the same paintbrush, picked it up and stroked her face and was saying "awwh Eli". Love love love.

Lastly, during nap time - which is almost non-existent as she fights naps almost every day now- she spent about half an hour shouting "mummy come here - get up now" (on repeat for half an hour I should add!) after such a long time, she obviously realised that she wasn't getting anywhere with me so she started shouting "Yi-yi (Eli) I all done sleeping, get me out". Knows her big bro is a soft touch!

Not a very clear picture but here they are - Eli is reading his lego magazine to Imogen, describing it in great detail and she's going "Oh yes Eli"!