Eli and I did a fun activity the other day where we filled a baking tray with flour so that we could practice writing words/letters etc. He enjoyed it for about 15 minutes and then he figured it would be much more fun to pretend the flour was snow and get out his trucks and play with them! He played on and off for about 3 hours the first day and has played with it every day since! Seriously wonder why I bother with toys. The things we make are always (well, often) played with the most!
We went for a walk on Saturday morning to Bowen Park while we waited for Daddy to get home from his week in Toronto. It was very wet and still lots of snow on the ground but we desperately needed to get out! Imogen loved the ducks at the pond and Eli enjoyed throwing rocks (had to remind him to stop aiming for the ducks tho'!)
All bundled up watching the ducks. |
Worn out from walking! |
Slightly blurry but what a beautiful smile! |
We had more snow (30 cm in about 2-3 hours) it was crazy. We made a sled run at the side of the house that was pretty cool as I had to shovel it out so it twisted and turned to the bottom of the grass and then we made snowmen instead of bothering to shovel the driveway. It finally melted today anyway (only 5 days later!) so I'm pleased I didn't bother shovelling it!
Crazy snow! |
Eli and our slightly scary looking snowman. |
On Monday last week Eli and I had a special "mummy and Eli night" - we went to the Port Theatre for his very first 'live' theatre experience! It was Toopy and Binoo and the Marshmallow Moon. Toopy and Binoo is a TV program that he loves. He laughs so much watching it! When we saw it was coming to Nanaimo on tour we new that he would just love it and he really did. It was a musical and he kept standing up dancing by his seat! In the middle he said "do you think it is the real Toopy and Binoo or just people dressed in their costumes?" I said I wasn't sure and what did he think? He decided it was the real Toopy and Binoo! I love it. I think he was convincing himself and really he knew it was costumes but it was more fun to pretend! Can't wait for the next thing to take him to.
Before it started. |
His face when the theme music started and Toopy and Binoo came on stage. He was so excited! |
And here are some random ones from the last week or two.
playing connect 4 |
snotty nose playing playdough |
playing 'parking lots' - who knew you could make a game out of that?! Imogen caged in the background. |
Imogen wearing her uggs from Aunty Wendy |
Beautiful boy |
IMogen wanted to play with Eli's racetrack but despite me trying to sit her next to it she wanted to sit in the middle of it and screamed each time she broke it from sitting on it! She wouldn't be moved tho'! |
And I shall leave with this...you know you are a mum when your 1 year old misses the potty and poops on the floor and you are actually pleased because its much easier to clean up than on smushed all over her bum!!