Eli to David this morning - "Come on Big Guy get out of bed".
And later today - I was looking at a picture titled 'The Worlds Smallest Monkey' it was cute and was shown clinging on to a persons finger so I thought I would show Eli as one of his Diego books is about Pygmy Marmosets (which is the smallest monkey). It's one of his favorite books and he knows all about Pygmy Marmosets. So I showed him the picture and said "look at this it's the worlds smallest monkey - what do you think it is?" He looks at it and in complete seriousness replies "errmmm, is it Imogen? She's the worlds smallest monkey" Oh my goodness David and I couldn't stop laughing.
Oh he comes out with the most hilarious things!
I am going to be writing more of the funny things he (and soon Imogen) says and does as I plan to print this blog for future to remember these precious days!