Saturday, May 22, 2010

Messy Faces

For Mothers day a few weeks ago David and Eli got me a Cadburys Creme Egg fondue. YUMMY! ELi has never had fondue before and he LOVED it. He is a true Oldfield with his chocolate obsession! He didn't really want any of the fruit or marshmallows so he just dipped them in and sucked the choc off! Here he is diving in! The funny thing was that he had already had a bath and had his PJ's on. He had to have another bath when he was all done!

and David

and a really attractive one of me!

Eli is getting really good at writing his name now. He has taken so much interest in writing and reading lately. He is always asking me to spell everything.

We've done lots of fun activities - two of his fave were filling up ice cube trays with a medicine dropper. OH yes - this took a long time :)

and working on mixing primary colours with a turkey baster. Another one that kept him busy for ages :)

He also discovered he loves colouring since we got our printer fixed and can print out pictures of Imaginext toys! (and yes I know he is holding his pen wrong- we have corrected it now and he has finally 'got it'!)

And some of my beautiful girl

with Kai

I took this to send to Aunty May as she bought this little summer outift.

getting in on the Fondue action, sadly for her without the chocolate!

fast asleep after a good day at the park.

And a couple more of Eli 'chopping' the tree down!

and waiting patiently for daddy to get home from work! (while wearing his bike helmet!) 

Have a good week everyone and will post some more after our weekend. Yay, it's a long weekend - David has Monday off so hopefully the weather will be great and we'll do something fun. Helen and Buu are coming today for a night which will be nice. x