Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's May already!

Imogen in her new carseat. Not looking impressed!
Eli and Charlie on the baby swings at Oliver Woods. (Getting Eli out was fun!)Imogen chewing her hairbrush while playing outside...previously chewed by Eli and Lulu!
The next bunch of pictures were all at the beach/park in Parksville last Friday. We spent the day there, had a picnic courtesy of Tim Hortons. Imogen's first play on the beach, first taste of sand!
 Eli decided he needed soup. Seriously- he is a bagel-aholic but the one time we take it to the park he wants soup so that he can slop it everywhere!!

Eli and Charlie playing while Daddy plays footy. (that would be the kids goal not the adults incase you were wondering!)

Imogen cheering on daddy.