Sunday, July 31, 2016


Immy lost her first front tooth!

Mum and Dad sold their house :-) We celebrated with them!

Immy lost her second front tooth!

Bike ride along the river!

We spent a day at Crescent beach in White rock. It was beautiful :-)

The two toothless ones!

Tried to get them all jumping in but couldn't see in the sun so not the greatest shot!

This time at Kal lake in Coldstream (vernon)

Giving Papa his retirement present

Eli jammin' with the guys  Papa's party

Charlie curled up to sleep with Eli at Nana and Papa's

Eli and I had to get new glasses and Immy wished she could have these ones!

Summertime means lots of lego creations!

Another day, another lake! This time Bunsen lake in Port Moody. It was a super hot day but the lake is icy cold! The kids still swam though!

We had an afternoon at the local outdoor pool

Eli's new glasses

Eli bought a bike with his birthday money! Thank you friends and nana and papa x