Saturday, September 10, 2016

The rest of summer!

Seems that some of these have come out in random order but I don't have time right now to sort them out! 

Papa and Immy getting in some snuggles while camping

In August we bought two kayaks and then spent every spare minute that we had on a lake! This is our first time with the kayaks.

This is saying goodbye to Mum and Dad for the last time on 17th Ave before they moved!

Oldies together for the last time at the family house...

and back to Kayaking?!

For my 40th birthday we went camping to Golden Ears park

Aunty Wendy cooking her breakfast

The next bunch are all from camping

 Helen and Buu got me this hammock for my birthday!!

 Just like the day I was born ;-)

 Immys birthday. She's SEVEN!

This one was dropping the boys off at the airport to go to England

Immy and her friend at the mall getting build a bears and getting their nails done!

This was so cute...first time I have seen Immy speechless! Andrew came over to pick up dan at mum and dads and Immy was starstruck lol!

 Last pic's  of this beautiful view

Picking Eli and David up at the airport. They were so excited to see each other that they were crying!

lil pup wanting to play ball!

Getting their medals for completing the summer reading program!