Monday, July 4, 2016

Canada Day Weekend!

Dressed up to go to Canada Day celebrations! 

Checking out the ambulance!

And the firetruck!

Never too old to pretend drive a fire truck!

Eli played some knock out type game!

 We listened to a great band (Dad- I think Eli has been plans for you - they had an accordion player and violin together!) and Immy spent lots of time at the stage dancing!

This was the last song

and here is another one that my dramatic dancer danced too!

Yesterday after church we went to the UBC Botanical Garden to do their tree walk. We did a guided tour which was really interesting, we learned about all the trees, and lots about how the first nations people used them. The tree walk itself was fun, scary but fun! It was 50 meters high and the bridges swung like crazy when you walked across them but I was a brave mama and kept up with the kids!

This is my "why sure, this is fun" face ;-)

I no longer have a say in the outfit planning!

On the way home we made a quick, unplanned stop at Spanish Banks since it was such a nice beach day!