Thursday, October 15, 2015

Camping in Oregon

The very first Starbucks in Pike Place Market

Swimming in the hotel in Seattle. (We stayed there on the way there and back to visit friends)

 Our first view of Nehalem bay.... a very cloudy day!

There was a campfire ban so we had to roast marshmallows on the stove top!

First morning in the tent

So many great trees to climb!

An early morning walk at the beach!

The kids enjoyed the junior ranger club. Here they were learning how to use a compass.

Cannon beach and Haystack Rock

Working on their jnr Ranger books.

It rained one day for the whole day :-(

Eli and I do great selfies :-)

Immy had two friendly deer visit while she was playing!

A view of Nehalem Bay on a much sunnier day!

A beach called Hug Point not too far from where we were staying.

Playing in the waves was soooooo much fun for all of us!