Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fall pics

We got a membership to the aquarium this year so we've been a few times so far. I believe this is a 'selfie' by Immy of her in front of the shark tank! 

Beluga Whale

Chester the new Dolphin

Love this guy sitting outside the Aquarium playing away :-)

Immy is taking ballet this year

Working out at the park

Immy visiting Chloe at Uncle Dan and unity Leah's.

Pumpkin time at Art Knapps

Riding the train at Art Knapps

I saw this in a store...I didn't buy it but I think I should have :-)

Eli has been doing soccer on Saturday mornings and daddy has been helping coach.

We went to see 'Inside Out'

Being butterflies at ballet

She lost another tooth!

We went to Victoria with David for a work trip. This is in the hotel pool.

We visited the petting zoo at Beacon Hill park. They absolutely LOVED the goats. We stayed with the goats for well over an hour!

This one climbed on Eli's back which he thought was great until it wouldn't get of and his back was aching!

We walked down to the harbour front.

We did a tour through the Parliament building which the kids enjoyed way more than I thought they would. Eli was excited to find Geoff's picture on the wall inside.

We did a super fast trip to Nanaimo. David had a meeting there so we arrived at about 9pm and we were gone by noon. Can't wait to go back and spend more time and see friends!
Below is the harbour view from our hotel room. Used to be one of Eli's favourite places to go for walks to see the float planes.

Breakfast at Timmies

Oh how we miss Nanaimo harbour front
Maffeo Sutton park. I spent many hours here when the kids were little. Eli remembered it but Immy didn't. Although she pretended that she did because she felt left out with Eli and I reminiscing!

The crab is new since we moved!

It was so much fun to walk with the kids and remind them of the things we used to love to do. This was the boat docks we used to wander around and say which boat we would have!

And Eli and I used to spend a lot of time here looking through the rocks and picking up tiny crabs!

On the ferry leaving Departure Bay. Considering we rode the ferry SOOOOOOO many times in their little lives I was surprised that they didn't really remember it and they were so excited!

David re-tiled the fireplace in the playroom

We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house with the whole family :-)

Mum painted this gorgeous painting for me :-)

Aunty Wendy came for a surprise visit :-)

She made candy apples with the kids! As you can tell they didn't like them much ;-)

We went to the pumpkin patch

We took Aunty Wendy to the aquarium! 

Stanley park looking out to North Vancouver and Lions Gate Bridge

Tree in our yard turned a beautiful colour (and then we raked about six hundred bags of leaves!)

Ava turned 2!

The kids went on a field trip with their school to the Apple Barn Orchard to pick pumpkins


Eli was the Riddler

Immy was a friendly zombie!

And this was not Halloween but I had to add it - Ava wearing a combination of the dress up things that we got her for her birthday!

Trick or Treaters :-)

Immy and Ben in the leaves!

And Eli and Immy in the leaves!

Immy left her bike outside in the rain and was quite excited when we moved it and saw this!

We went to the Orpheum Theatre to see the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra playing one of their kids education concerts.

It is such a beautiful theatre and the kids are so excited that they get to perform there in March with Stage Coach.

Helen and Mum came to 'Beautiful You' womens event at church with me :-)

Immy took this photo of Ben outside 

And Ben took this one of Immy! Budding photographers I think!