Thursday, October 15, 2015

What did we do this summer (and Immy is 6)

I got a bike for my birthday :-) SO MUCH FUN!

Last night of being 5!

She's 6!

And was desperate for pink hair!

 She got rollerblades!

And went to build a bear

We visited White Rock quite a few times this summer. 

Lovely action eating shot ;-)

 Had so much fun in the pool

Went bowling

Camped out in the living room (trial run for camping trip!)

Built random lego structures with Daddy 

Played in the river

Learned how to do what they call "Papa's Happy Birthday Face"

Went to White Rock again (and again and again...!)

Did lots of biking

And playing in various parks

And picnic'ing in various places

And yet more swimming

And family bike rides (which are soon much fun)

 And even pulled out the old train set from many years ago and built a pretty cool track!