Friday, July 17, 2015

Summer, and Eli turns 9...

Summer is flying by and we are having so much fun! Mum and dad came up and we all went to see the Lion King...sooooo awesome!

Roaring like Lions lol

The night of the Lion King was Eli's last night being 8! 

Immy insists on her stuffies having the best part of her bed!

My biggest baby is 9! I can't believe how old he is! His presents were very sports themed with rollerblades, flippers, a soccer goal, a catching game, and darts...amoung many other presents. Lucky boy!

While he opened presents Immy played with the doll cut outs that she got from Nanny!

Trying out his flippers

First time on his rollerblades! (One week later and you would never know he couldn't do it last week!)

Bowling for his bday in his new shirt!

Coolest rollerbladers on the block ;-)

His second day having rollerblades and he bladed all the way to the library (20 min each way!)

Found her reading like this one day!

Last weekend we went to Lynn Valley Canyon and suspension bridge in North Van. The kids, especially Immy, were both really nervous to cross the bridge initially but they did it! (there are no pics of Immy on the way across as she flipped out!)

On the way back. She decided she wasn't scared!

It's a long way down!

Playing with Ava while Helen and Buu go out for dinner!

Earlier in the week we went to Maple Ridge park and had a fun afternoon in the spray park and down by the river.

(Before she got soaked lol - I made the mistake of having them change into their dry clothes after they had been in the spray park hahahahahaha what was I thinking!?!)

Not so dry anymore!

Wolverine rollerblading;-)

Today we went to a new (to us) park in Coquitlam. Another fun place that we stayed for a few hours!